Things I ♥ ...

Monday, August 6, 2012

... about summa time!

Sorry if this is coming a little late for most people. Trust me, I do realize that most everyone's summer is quickly coming to a close {Arizona school system much? My little sis has already started her senior year!}

But me? I'm still soaking up eeeevery little bit of sun, naps, and reading time that I can!

This morning, while I was doing some laps in the pool {HA. I say this like it's a regular occurrence. Trust me, it's not.} I was thinking about why summer is one of the best seasons EVER! 
I'm sure that I could come up with a hundreds of items-long list, but there's a few special reasons why I personally think summer is bestest. 

1. The food. 

Detox Salad via Iowa Girl Eats

Mango Lassi Strawberry-Honey Yogurt Popsicles (right?!) via Dessert for Breakfast

Maple Glazed Chicken Kabobs & Jalapeno Salsa via (my idol) The Pioneer Woman

Raspberry Pie via The Pioneer Woman

Raspberry Sorbet in Lemon Cups via Someone's Tumblr

Chicken & Barley Salad via Iowa Girl Eats

Heirloom Tomato & Asparagus Salad via Iowa Girl Eats

Watermelon Side Dish via Oh My Veggies

Let's be honest, most of my favorite things have a connection to food. I live and love to eat, and summer BBQ's, juicy fruit, vibrant-colored dishes, and fresh lemonade-y drinks make it the ULTIMATE season for food! 

Don't believe me?

Visit your local grocery store and take a little walk in the produce section. Most of my {and hopefully your} favorite items are wayy discounted!
Still don't think it's all that great? Go take a whiff of those plump peaches near the front. Repeat. As many times as possible.

2. We all look hott in the summer. 
4th of July 2011 w/ the roomies

For several reasons:

- It's hot most places, so we drink more water. H20= Healthy glow & energy!
- Appetite can drop in heat so we're not gorging ourselves like its pre-hibernation. Despite the afore posted pictures and their deliciousness. You're usually eating less, and even if you're not, you're eating healthier, fresher foods!
- Tans. Thank goodness for the changes a good tan can bring. {p.s. for all you fair skinned ladies out there who get frustrated over their lack of pigment, you pretties will stay looking young FAR longer than the rest of us!}

3. That tired, worn out feeling after a day out in the sun. 

Haha. We were all sooo burnt.

This is one of my favorite feelings in the world. Your body is absolutely drained from all of that sun and outdoor activity, and the only thing that sounds good is spending the rest of the night showering, watching a movie, and playing some cards. Mmmm...

4. Warm nights.

I love to be outside. And there's something so satisfying about enjoying an evening in perfect temperatures with your favorite people. Whether it's a roasting marshmallows at a bonfire, watching a game at the fields, or just taking a walk, I relish that feeling of the day coming to a close and watching the skies change. 

Especially when I have this guy to enjoy it with. 

Yup. I love most everything about you summer. So stick around for a while, will ya?

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you summer food is #1! Hope you're having a blast these final weeks.
